1. The whole equipment must be cleaned and properly arranged

2. Hands must be properly washed before carrying out analysis

3. Holes and cracks must be repaired

4. Glass wares must be cleaned before use

5. Refuse must be disposed immediately after use

6. Debris mustn’t be allow close to the analysis stand

7. Stagnant water should be thrown away immediately

8. Equipments must be cleaned after use before storage

9. The whole lab must be swept before carrying out any analysis

10. Ventilation and illumination is very necessary



The effectiveness of workers depends on the conduciveness of the environment. A good laboratory should maintain good hygienic practices and a conducive environment

1. There should be proper cleaning of glass wares before and after use

2. The equipments must be kept away from dust

3. Illumination and ventilation should be properly secured

4. The heavy equipments mustn’t be carried from one place to the other

5. Water shouldn’t be used for cleaning the machines

6. All electrical fuse must be disconnected from their sources after the use of machines

7. The floors should be swept often

8. The walls should be repainted if the former is peeling

9. Acid fumes must have a passage to avoid causing respiratory problem

10. Equipments should be covered to avoid dust



During the course of my training, I was exposed to so many analytical equipments and how to operate them. I also learnt how to prepare molar solutions of some standard solutions in the laboratory. I learnt how to carry out many experiments and all. Handling of some reagents and precautionary measures also became mastery of me due to consistence use of them.

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There were a lot of challenges encountered during the period of my training. The one major problem was lack/inadequate power supply, which was a very delaying factor and hindrance to some of the operations that required power. We were left with the option of using a UPS device which can only be used when fully charged. And the UPS is only restricted to the small equipments that does not require a higher voltage. Other challenges were in availability of some reagents, equipments ,glass wares and un-conducive environment.



I urge my colleagues, those that will still embark on their Industrial training in Science course/other departments and other institutions to take their industrial work serious because they Will gain a lot from it. Especially in their practical aspect of life.



After all the above mentioned experiments were carried out, results were obtained and were sent to the appropriate authority. The industrial training attachment was quiet awesome and I learnt a lot as it will help me so much on both my project and seminar research and in developing me especially in terms of human relations with regards to working in any environment where I will find myself after my university education. Indeed it was training attachment and I was trained.


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